Digital Marketing Fundamentals (Part 4/8 - Domain Names)

Kurtis Bodie • September 1, 2021

What is a Domain Name?

Simply, a domain name is an address given to an internet web server. A domain name is what tells an online audience, summarily, what the business is all about. Serving to enhance brand image.

Domain Name Break-down:

- is the subdomain.

‘Bodaciousmarketingsolutions’ - is the mid-level domain.

‘.ca’ - is the top-level domain.

Other Top-Level Domains include, (.com, .org, .net, .edu, etc…)

I know, I know, but what about the ‘http’ or ‘https’ at the beginning of the URL?

HTTP stands for
‘Hypertext Transfer Protocol’ which was designed for communication between web browsers and web servers. It allows for the transmission of hypermedia such as HTML. Now if it is ‘HTTPS’, is is essentially the same thing, but with one key The “S” stands for Secure. HTML stands for ‘Hypertext Markup Language’, a markup language used for web design/development.

What’s the difference between a URL and a Domain name you ask? - URL entire address - Bold is the Domain

Domain name is the name of the website while the URL(Universal Resource Locator) is the complete web address used to find a specific page within the website.

How Domain Names Work

How domain names work

Have you heard of domain marketing?

Domain marketing is a strategy that uses internet addresses as ways to expand traffic to a website. This goes further than finding the right domain name for a site, but also aims to use domains as a part of the company's digital marketing strategy. The strategy shows how powerful digital marketing can be.

Easily pushed aside and regarded as another box to check before you are considered legitimate. A website is more than that, it deserves consistent attention and updates. Marketers and advertisers alike will profess that a website is a must, as it makes a business relevant. The goal of the design team is to make each aspect of the site as user friendly and efficient as possible. A good web design, quality content, and functionality are components that the designers work on to ensure the best site you can get. Applying this to your business strategy will move a domain name/website from a cost that a company must endure to a cost that results in revenue.

Memorable Domain Names

The name of a business is the first thing a consumer sees, and the same goes for a domain name. A domain affects how somebody would find or interact with a company. A domain name should be short, succinct, easily remembered, informative, and aligned with the company brand and vision.

Call-to-Action Domain Name
- using the imperative form of the verb, commanding somebody to do something. (Ex. by using ‘attend’ in the domain it is inviting people to show up to learn and to step out of their shell.

  • Working in a keyword that relates to your niche is effective but it can also make it less memorable by lengthening the domain name.
  • Some people misspell words, so it is good to keep in mind to try not to use easily misspelt words in your domain name selection. If you do, it can be a good idea to also purchase the misspelt domain names so that you don’t lose traffic, to competitors or otherwise.

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for the next blog…’Keyword Research’**

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